Ruellia simplex Mexican petunia white, purple, pink.
Name. Ruellia simplex Mexican petunia Mexican Petunias will be a wonderful addition to any garden, patio or border, they are beautiful flowering plants. Mexican Petunias with the right temperature and humidity they will flower faithfully from spring to autumn. Bringing showers of the bright beautiful trumpets that attract hummingbirds bees and butterflies. Mexican Petunias come in 3 colors. Purple, white and pink. The Mexican petunias are wonderful and colorful in purple, however, combining and pairing them together in 2 colors like white and purple is really breathed taking. Grows about 3 feet tall to 30 inches when in flower. White and purple trumpets flowers. Ruellia simplex Mexican petunia plants require the warmth of Zone 8 to 12 to flourish. zones 7-8- 9 they can be container grown and moved indoors during cold winter weather. Water the Ruellia simplex Mexican petunia every four to five days in spri...